Tuesday, May 12, 2015

the food sellers by the road

The food sellers by the road
Earning the hard way but independent
Under the shade of trees and sometimes rain
They elk out a living in the honest way

One trader doing fruit business
He has to load it off quickly
Else he will suffer in profits
For the fruit will decay in the heat

Sometimes he has to sell cheap
To clear his stock before he loses more
He has to move around for his trade
On the side road he waits

The spectacles seller
Put up a mobile table to sell
For those who want cheap spectacles
He sells at a bargain price

The food business in the morning
The variety of dishes on display
With a car and foldable table
Food cooked at home now on sale

Working independently
They all dream to make it through
The folding up rate is high
Yet there is the spirit to make it

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