Wednesday, May 20, 2015

the heavy crashed

The heavy loads crashed
In the tunnel nobody sees
Scattered debris and dust
Closing out the door....
Until only a short light glow

The heavy on the ground
Breathing silently choking the air
Calling for help seem so far away
The echo of its sound and breathing
What's there to say?

The tracking devices
Flashing red in the monitors
The crew get panic
They shout loud and clear
We lost contact!”

The leaders rush in
The worrying faces can be seen
The light on the ceiling shining
The ghostly smile brushing them
What's the report?”

We lost the heavy
It crashed somewhere here
A place nobody remembers
Once it was a sink hole
Now it is part of an abandoned road”

What we do now?”
Don't talk to anyone
Don't talk to the press
Don't talk to the people
We zip ourselves in this room”

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