Tuesday, May 19, 2015

we are the king makers

Where have all the saints gone?
To the land of bliss where no bad things happen
They don't have to hear evil or the crying shame
Every day and night as they walk the land

Where have all the good people gone?
The men in blue take them to police lock-up
The bad hats can't stand them at the traffic lights
Blinking at them as they drive in their posh cars

Where have all the corporate accountability gone?
They try their best to play the games on the field
Passing the buck let others take the fall
The throw in and tackling moves

Where have the young graduates gone?
They hang around the cities
Rushing here and there for jobs
Listen to rumours gathering the storm

Where have all the elders gone?
Some try to talk sense to the politicians
Telling them the total of their experiences
Many stay at home caring for the young

Where have all the people gone?
Working hard to put food on the table
Finding ways to extend the empty pockets
Wondering what is there for tomorrow?

What we must do to change our lives?
We have to take stock of our values
We have to fight back to get back our grounds
We are the king makers we mustn't lose it out

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