Thursday, January 28, 2016

the discretionary power isn't absolute

The discretionary power isn't absolute
It just allows an authority to decide right or wrong
On cases coming into its review and charges
The Constitution doesn't grant absolute authority
If that is so one can be held at ransom or threat of life
When cases coming into the hands of that sole person
It will be so easy to dispense justice by the mob
I doubt that what Constitution wants to give away

The recent big scandals in the country
Where AG cleared without giving documentary evidence
Saying he found there were no basis to charge
It left a bad taste in the agencies involved in the investigations
And the public couldn't accept that decision
For a lesser known person it will be corruption!
For a lesser known person it will be money laundry!
When a person fails to declare monies in his accounts

The way it is said
This will be a new trick to acquire money laundry
When they are caught, they can say it is a donation
We have returned the money to the senders
There is a case history as a bench mark in our legal history

AG can say the cases are close
The public will not let it go
There are no answers to the cases
It is just merely to stop charging a person
Now Royal Commission of Inquiry should be held
The nation needs her closure too
But she hasn't got it for herself and her people

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