Wednesday, January 13, 2016

the young on isis radar

Isis militants learn
Once how the Vietcong used
Young children to do critical work
The American soldiers didn't suspect
Until they blew them up into pieces

Isis believed the young militants
They could make the changing game
Who could think they would destroy?
The unsuspected adults guarding the nations?
The innocent faces running around the places?

Now the videos showed
How Isis recruited the young
Brainwashed them to do
The future bombers to come
The eye of destroyers of peace
Lucifer will be smiling

Our men in blue
They are always on the ground
Working around the clock
Catching the Islamic militants

The police should look into the teaching
Of why our people never think twice
Joining the wrong way to get to heaven
Killing others for crimes will be in hell
The rewards for good deeds are plenty
Why go the wrong way?

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