Sunday, April 24, 2016

intimidation on our faces

Intimidation on our faces
It shouldn't be happening
It has happened too many times
In the decades under one party
It's leaders refuse to change
They still think the country's wealth
The taxpayers' monies belong to them
They can do as they so please

Don't vote for us
There will be no developments”
They forget we decide our destiny
It isn't the politicians
Why must we feel intimidated?
The politicians should be afraid of us
It shouldn't be the other way

We mustn't feel intimidated
The power is in our hands
We must think what have been done
The nation crying for us to change
For our generations we mustn't let she down
There is a way; it is in our minds
Do we let it be and forget?

Intimidation on our faces
We mustn't be afraid to change
The country is crying for us
Don't let her sleep in sorrow and pain
We have the liberty to make it right
It is in our hands and minds
For our generations we mustn't let it slide
We must be the lights to the darkness

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