Saturday, February 04, 2017

the slickers in politics

The slickers in politics
They will invent issues to play
Telling it in straight faces
They crafted their skills

The gullible people
Believing the tales
They collect it in their minds
They don't see the lies

The slickers in politics
The elephants in the room
They don't see it right away
They will pretend everything is ok

The gullible people
Wake up and see the elephants
The corruption, greed and scandals
The taxes to plug in the loopholes

Now the Red Dragon breathing fire
Flying in with full view to display
They come in with few hundred billions
Tell us where you want us to invest?”

But slickers in politics
They will say the long tales
They don't admit the loopholes
The wastage of funds and bloated civil service

We better wake up know the reasons
We shouldn't support blindly
Our rights are at stake and our future too
It is time to vote out Bee Anne for good

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