Tuesday, November 27, 2018

don't throw life away

Don’t throw a life away
There is only one to live and die
Dying is so easy to let go everything
Forget the world forget the families

Every one of us has problems
This is life of a mountain climb
Every foothold there is a risk
But it pumps us to get going

No doubt there will be obstacles
There is no easy going in life
There will be locked gates to go beyond
There will be setbacks even the gates are opened

There is no clear passage way
There will be hunting dogs waiting
Chasing and barking protecting the turf
Life is testing of skills learned

With it we can use it
Carry our tasks go beyond the gates
Know how to tackle unwanted dilemma
We will sail through in stormy weather

Don’t throw life away
The lake of fire will burn you twice
Screaming at the person of such stupidity
Give the best to enjoy life

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