Thursday, March 28, 2019

the shadows of werewolves

The shadows of werewolves
Once they could walk at will
Nobody dared to stop their handiworks
They could take what they wanted
They were in control
They protected their own kind
Milking the resources dry
Until a wind of change came
Blowing into a storm in the minds
The people wanted the change
So, it was so it is today

But the shadow of werewolves
They can’t go quietly and stay behind
They had tasted power and wealth
They still hunger for it
So, they make the shadow moves
Trying to burn the bridges to divide
Throw in the fear mongering
Let the majority feel afraid
Twisted facts to serve their own agendas

The shadow of werewolves
They preached the wrong kind
Many of a race have fallen into the trap
Without knowing the full facts
Nobody is above the law
Even the rulers will face the Constitutional Law
Let us belong to the world of law and commerce
Yet we still can maintain our law and Constitution
Don’t let the werewolves spin their bad tales

In the forefront the Hope leaders gathered
They have to fight to get rid of the werewolves
Else these bad animals will destroy the good work
The nation needs the progress to make her mark
And she needs all hands-on deck and stir the economy

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