Tuesday, June 04, 2019

the cows gate episodes

The cows gate episodes
Rafizi lost his battle in court
The verdict was in 2015
Now with the change of government
The galloping horses will be different
Putrajaya has filed a legal suit
To seek the return of $250 million with interests
Finally, the people want to see
The truth of justice must prevail
Using taxpayers’ monies for own benefits
Instead of fulfilling the cattle ranch contract
Though the cows gate offers to pay
By a company willing to offer the payment in full
Absolving the cows gate to pay on the loan
There must be a catch 
The company’s assets are limited
Is there a trade-off between companies?
Let the case go to trial
Let the willing company stay on the background
This is the alleged misusing of loan for personal benefits
Putrajaya must ring the truth out in the open

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