Saturday, March 14, 2020

PH leaders plan now

The Old Man is out of PH
It is better he goes on his way
He has done enough U-turns
Let him go let him see his last

PH leaders need to grow
Gather the troops find ways to hit back
The battle lost but the war is still on-going
It may be tough but you have the guts

The Old Man didn't stop his troops
He allowed it to happen and he felt betrayed
Now he doesn't have many friends
PH is still his best bet but he blew it

The Old Man has to draw his hidden cards
If he ever wants to get back his credibility
Bring back his party to the original score
He may get his last hurrah

For now PH has to move on
Leave the sad story behind
The leaders need to plan now
The battle cry has begun!

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