Monday, March 09, 2020

the money baggers in town

In the states
The kilos and monkeys jump
Showing their faces and grin
As if they get a new lease

Bersatu loses many
The state post chief
Now the latest is Perak
Amno baru is back

Moo has the post of PM
He is a lame duck to chair
Around him he sees his states chief fall
He sacrifices them for his greed of power

But he knows he will not last
He wants to hold while it lasts
A title and a token of remembrance
When he finally calls it quit

The money baggers are in town
The grapevines all shooting up stars
They want to pay the monkeys
To fall into the dark pit

But karma too moves in
The wheel to catch the culprits
The kilos and monkeys will realize
Their lives will not smell blooming

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