Thursday, April 20, 2023

the wealth creation


The Old man now in tight spot

Going to court to proof a point

It will cause him more than he bargains

Because the past dealings will return

Is this the way he wanted?

The master of his game he has lost

Even without going to court

The tales are plenty on wealth creation

Some of the tales are in public

In shares in companies in bonds

Questions are how the funds come along?

Who are behind all these transactions involved?

What special treatments are accorded?

Anwar will have his documents and records

While the Old Man has to explain it all

The wealth of his family members and children

The Old Man has lost his touches

Langkawi folks told him to go

He should have listened from the voters

He has no power to hide now

The past history will return

The stories will take days to tell

Anwar will have his days in court

The Old Man may not like to hear

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