Thursday, April 27, 2023

the wrong way to start living


The drug addicts; the drug mules

Once into it a life time of misery

Even pain for the drug mules too

If they are caught crossing borders

The judges will say

They have to follow the law

The police will say they have to enforce it

There is no compassion if caught

Still the rise of the drug mules

The quick way to enrich easy money

The drug mules think they will try

Because there are addicts wanting a fix

There is a huge demand

The drug addicts rising in society

The rich or the poor or the entertainers

They need to fix the life time of pressure

The drug addicts will not listen

They know they are dead in the long term

The drug mules want to help for money

In the short term they face the hangmen

The drug addicts; the drug mules

The wrong way to start living

Life isn't a straight road

There is always a test of resolved

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