Monday, May 08, 2023

balance it in simple mode


We can't be staying positive all the times

Words we use may have an impact on the listeners

It is natural to get rewarded for staying positive

This is what we are told and learned to adapt

But life has a different approach

There is the swing of ups and downs

Even ourselves will get into the swing

There is a reason why most of us fail

We learn from our mistakes

Why certain words can't bring us joy

It is all in the context of where we are

The nice people we socialize or bad we mix

Life is still a push and pull method

Sometimes words of encouragement

Sometimes we need to be harshed

In fear no words can clear the air

The children enjoy support

This is why grandparents get the thumb up

They spoiled the grandchildren well

Words of support and encouragement

In life we are living

In the good and bad

Balance it in simple mode

Life will be like a breeze

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