Monday, May 22, 2023

the old cases Macc will dig up


The old cases in the past

Macc will start to dig up

The officers may have known then

It could be blocked by powerful men

Now we hear of a case

The sum involved running to $2.3 billion

It was a share transaction done decades ago

The write up came to the amount exchanged

It could happen from the Pandora papers

The truth needs to come out in the open

Through the court it will be explained

How it is done before the shares dropped quickly?

It shows Macc knows about the game

They didn't go to investigate then

Now they have the chance to explore

Catching the culprits involved

It will interesting to read

About the Old Man and his one time protege

Once they are in court to argue his wealth

The popcorns must be ready to munch it away

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