Saturday, June 03, 2023

something not right in the wolves


Some wolf leaders

They don't hide their frustration

They attack the unity government

For their own hidden agenda

The possibility could be

They are supporting their opponents

Branding on their race and religion

As if it is their rights to behold

It was after GE15

Some wolf leaders signed SD

Quickly without approval

Hoping to join the wagon

But it fell flat on their faces

They couldn't stomach it

They plan their plots within

Letting it be known they are against it

They can't leave their positions

They will know they will become outcast

They will have no value but shame

As some former wolf leaders found out

Though these leaders are told to behave

Yet they will harp on it every opportunity

Even their grass-root members too

They should listen and re-evaluate their stand

These leaders only bring shame

To their own party but their own values too

When are they going to stand out?

Hold their party rules and stay relevant

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