Thursday, November 01, 2007


The time bomb in the judiciary.................The BN government wants it to happen. The taxi nasi could say what he wants that the Federal Constitution allows one to be appointed. He should in all fairness look at the other judges too. Dont they have feelings too? Mind you these judges aren't allowed to socialize; they are to themselves. Every judge wants to be a CJ. The engagement from outsider to get the plum job will destroy whatever truths in the judiciary. The considered guy is helping the ruling elite for years. He doesnt need to join the party; he needs to show his patronage to the party and leaders. Will there be fairness to the judges? Will he be impartial when deciding cases under his purview? The separation of powers is going downwards. In my view there must something needed to plug in the holes. After 50 years as a nation, there must many cobwebs to clean in the closet. Of course here I am dreaming. The ruling elite will protect by all means on the spider queen................and I am standing near a burger stall queuing to buy my burger

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