Tuesday, November 27, 2007


"Government ready to face challenges" There are many challenges the government of the day should have handled yet it fails. The BN leaders fail miserably. Corruption still rears its ugly head in all aspects of businesses and dealings with the government agencies and or runners for certain leaders. Even as Dr M said before that a person could sell his vote for $200, it tells how bad the situation right now is. Transparency is another issue the government has not done though it claims by its leaders they are going all out to make it work. Before one can wink its eyes, the leaders will say differently in other functions to suit the ears of different audiences. Go to kampong promising goodies; go to the towns promising good government; go to Parliament every representative must toe the party's line.............though the MPs are people's reps.............There is a reading in Parliament to extend the tenure of EC head to 66 years instead of 65 years. The currrent EC head will retire by end of this year, 2007 but Nazi taxi proposed in Parliament to amend the Constitution to extend EC head tenures to 66 years. The grounds have hinted of election manipulation and so with this subtle plan it confirms what most people know all along. The election is not fought on even ground. It is lopsided manipulated to serve the ruling BN. One can't get one's rep to open up because this MP isnt beholden to the voters; he or she is beholden to the party. Wakil rakyat..................a ruse to fool the people and in the end the people have no representative. Look your representative can't help you or tell you what's happening. Even today I dont hear the rep here holding dialogue with the constituents. I dont really. I had moved into many states yet I didn't hear any rep held dialogues with the people either on monthly basis or yearly basis. Zero. Accountability is only to the leaders and party. Voters aren't the priviledge lot. After the election, you and I (our votes) are forgotten. The government is for all walks of life. Yet the minority interests are sidelined and compressed it into a shell and leaves in the cupboard to gather dust. Only when election is near then the leaders or party takes it out to polish and display telling all and sundry how they had helped these groups of people in the country. When one looks at the economic cake, one realises that it is the cronyism raked in the wealth. Challenges for the leaders to pocket wealth not to help the minority or sometimes the leaders say the insignificant people....................yet at the same breath they say they practise democracy with road blocks, tear gas, armed personnel and chemical laced water cannons...............challenges for the government is for the leaders themselves

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