Sunday, November 25, 2007


History has recorded that rallies will make and break a government. This is the discontent breaking into the fabric of the society. The bridging of rich and poor is now wide open. The initial concept of NEP is noble but in the hands of the greedy politicians and or leaders, the concept has turned into the making rich machine. It only gears towards the families, cronies and friends on the wealth train leaving the have-nots and no connecting people far behind to fend for themselves. History too has recorded why government failed because of the greed and power crazy of the people. Lies and slogans trying to bewitch the voters, in the beginning it did but it can't happen the second time around; because the first place it never fulfills the first bridge and so the second bridge will not happen. People will read the trends and the ways thing have been done. So now we see in Australia the government changes to Labour. People get fed up of lies and promises never fulfilled. Australians make their choices felt in the ballot boxes. So I hope it will happen here big time. The BN government has ruled the nation for 50 years enriching these leaders and ploughing the country's wealth without consideration for the future generations. The leaders statements are always for themselves -vote for stability guarantees future generations but in reality it is to cover for their excesses in digging the wealth for themselves, friends and cronies. The Kuomintang party failed after 50 years ruling Taiwan. History has recorded so I believe here another party should be given the chance to rule the country. Likewise never help the country and her people, change again. Dont be afraid to change

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