Monday, November 26, 2007


pictures courtesy of Reuters

Talk about history
Indians, Chinese, Malays
In whatever programs then
By the Portuguese, Dutch and British

They had toiled the land
Made it through rich and poor
Hundreds of years down the roads
The cries and sorrows
The inequality and disparity
The sacrifices made in progress
Oh sure the suffering too

Now the claim
The march of compensation
Will it be right?
On this I shouldn’t agree

Why pick on the colonial masters of yesteryears?
If that it was so, when would be the ending?
The focus must be right
Don’t just go marching blindly

The marchers for Hindraf rally
It isn’t about the country
The focus on the wrong tree
Who to blame my friends?
It isn’t the BN government

Use the energy
To shape things in the country
Vote for change
History is a story
Now for the real thing
Change the government
Through the ballot boxes

Australians do it
So we can too
United we make history
For the country

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