Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Now you know so dont be a FOOL ; vote wisely in the next GE. We can change the government so make it happens soon!
What’s in Malaysia?
Until a certain part of society protest
Of the cake unduly distributes
Only to the connected people
The country leaders never care
If they do, the people won’t protest
The poor and underprivileged
There is no sunshine for them
The prime minister says
“I am the prime minister for all races”
Is he really?
When policies only linked to one race
The NEP to his nationality
Hardly for the others in the nation
What’s in Malaysia?
The protestors march ignoring government threats
ISA, tear gas, chemical lazed water, beating and prison
Certain part of society protest
Yet the government ignore
Calling them hoodlums and gangsters
What’s in Malaysia?
Every race has problem with the government
Elected by the people for the people
But it never happens when the leaders sit on power
“Everything is mine nothing is yours
Go and fly kite!”
The streets protest will march
Threats of ISA and prison nobody cares
When the future is at stake
Every one wants it makes
What’s in Malaysia?
The government sleeping
So are the leaders
Until streets protest rocking them
Waking them from their slumber
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Dora Goh aged 25 years old kidnapped in Shah Alam
3 persons in gold Toyota Camry
Bearing registration number 7641
Cruising in Shah Alam kidnapped a young woman
Dora Goh aged 25 years old today
This is happening so regularly
What’s happening in the country?
Nurin death is still hot in the news
Amongst the people who care
Now this kidnapping
On a young woman of aged 25 years old
I pray the police will act in speed
Don’t wait for days then go out looking
Not like Nurin case please!
I pray for her
Nothing of harm befalls
Let the message goes out
Leaving her alone safely by the road
p/s on 29/11/07 at about 9.30am Dora Goh was released. She is currently in hospital for check ups.
The flag waves
The people march
For a cause they believe is right
Nothing else matters
Under the bright hot sunlight
Who want ISA?
The sleeping beauty telling lies
Tell me who are these people?
Put them first under ISA
Then tell me
Woe to the liars
Telling lies and more lies
What will become of this beautiful nation?
Crowded by cronyism digging wealth
I say Sir!
Take a vote count
You will know the reason why
Nobody wants ISA
This is the truth
Unless these people want wealth
And they tell lies
You fall for it
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Police acted without compassion
On the Indians gated in Batu Caves Temple
Then the police let fly the water laced chemical
On the Indians locked in on temple ground
The sleeping beauty asked to respect laws
When the police aren’t following orders
There must be an investigation
According to the penal code that is
Thousands obediently walked into the Indian temple
Seeking refuge following orders
Then like circumcision time
These poor Indians water cannoned by the police
What did the Indians do?
They never run riot near the temple
The pictures tell a story
IGP has a lot to explain
But will he?
The Indians went for peaceful march
In the early morning before dawn
Police came to round them up
Locked them in the temple
Then the water cannon came
The peaceful disobedience
I guess it can be a feature in future rallies
The PM must listen and do his duty
Just don’t say it without knowing its meaning
Talk about history
Indians, Chinese, Malays
In whatever programs then
By the Portuguese, Dutch and British
They had toiled the land
Made it through rich and poor
Hundreds of years down the roads
The cries and sorrows
The inequality and disparity
The sacrifices made in progress
Oh sure the suffering too
Now the claim
The march of compensation
Will it be right?
On this I shouldn’t agree
Why pick on the colonial masters of yesteryears?
If that it was so, when would be the ending?
The focus must be right
Don’t just go marching blindly
The marchers for Hindraf rally
It isn’t about the country
The focus on the wrong tree
Who to blame my friends?
It isn’t the BN government
Use the energy
To shape things in the country
Vote for change
History is a story
Now for the real thing
Change the government
Through the ballot boxes
Australians do it
So we can too
United we make history
For the country
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
It transgresses the thin line of sanity
It makes the poor souls believing the magic
It casts an illusion tempting the eyes........
The banners of the hooked up people
Parading the grandeur the stillness in the hall
The shining keris of the long lost dynasty
Yet the myopic leaders want to capture its past glory
The words of witch craft
The gangs of hidden agenda
Waving clenched fists in the air
Shouting words play minds thinking of wealth
On the streets lining up to PJ hill
The transformers of good and evil
Depending on audience place to mint words
Yet it is lie full of evil worms
Looking like sparkling jewels
Hooked the eyes then the minds
The poor souls eagerly kissing the hands
When everything seems lost
Across the beyond the yellow sea of waves
Marching in to squeeze out the evil doers
The royals have finally arrived
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Nurin gone for nearly 2 months. The killer(s) free in the country. Initially CID director said he had several leads..................then silence in the police force. So far nothing has come forward on Nurin latest development. The motorbike number can't be seen so no trace no suspect. The several leads turned into cold storage. Will Nurin death be just a passing facade in our mind? With other children gone, the crimes remain unsolved. Hottest subject now turns a passing glance. The police will not dig up further; the officers have no leads now. It is on the wall nothing really coming out to stick on it. But there is hope yet for other children.........the Nurin Alert is beginning to take off by concerned parents and like minded people to assist the authority in case of similar kidnapping occurs.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
He goes out to work
Covering for news at any place
With ears and eyes to scoop up news
Then the unexpected happened
Looked at the picture
The poor Chinese reporter got punched
By an UMNO member in the city
And his head of the division said it was an accident!
Why spin the untruth?
A punch is a punch
It wasn’t an accident
The UMNO guy knew what he wanted to do
MCA vice president never protested
He said something else that would make the party loses
In the next general election
Be a man Sir and tell the truth!
When fish head is rotten
The rest of it will smell of death
Time to change the smell
For the Garden of Paradise
VK Lingam replies to the video clip and his brother's police report on him and implicating other retired judges and top government officials. He waited for two months to say his piece after Wee came out with Thirunama Karasu or Balan police report. Lingam says his brother has health problems (meaning Balan police report can't be trusted?) and used by other people's vested interested by using Balan. I just can't understand......why giving excuses? Tell the truth once and for all. And it is said the truth will set you free...............If there is NO Royal Commission of Inquiry, Lingam won't come out to reply. Of course the allegations are serious in the police report so Lingam must make police report too. Now if he is serious about clearing his name and reputation, he should make a police report. Or he can sue his brother in court. The stage has been set. Time for the truth.
Monday, November 19, 2007
S.Subashini aged 12 years old...courtesy The Star
UPSR result out. One young girl took her life! Young girl S. Subashini, aged 12 years old, hanged herself in her family home on Saturday afternoon. The education is to teach the positive values to cherish. It is the placing of importance of examination as the barometer of one's achievement that pressured many young adults to commit suicide. Too much placing on achievement on examination shouldnt be allowed to be used as a measurement of one's achievement. It is better to overhaul the education system to place say 50% on assignment 50% on examination. In this way many will know how they fare on their assignment work before they sit for the other 50%. The young minds shouldnt be corrupted that success in life should pass examinations. Success in life is through one own achievements. Passing flying colors in examinations doesnt proof one will be a successful person in life. No Sir!
May The Good Lord guides her journey to her next life. Amen
Selangor MB gave away
To the department hasn’t performed to the mark
This is the way to pull them up
Ah the hue and cry
Showing no dignity showing no compassion
What these people know?
Enough meetings had yet targets failed
So one should be punished
As the head of one’s own agency
When one feels ashamed
So go improve your performance
From the cleaners right up to the head
Otherwise you are wasting time
Now the PM echoes his displeasure
What does he know about failure?
He himself doesn’t perform to his mark
When people told him he cried out loud
What he says he never implements
When he wants people to tell him he shows his tantrum
So what does he really know?
I wonder sipping my cup of tea
It is high time the government employees perform
It is enough being said and reprimanded
If they still can’t perform, ship them out
Don’t waste tax payers’ monies
Dishing out “I don’t careless” stunt
And about the two medical doctors in government hospitals
I suggest they throw away their medical degrees
Servicing the patients their calling in life
Not the way they did counting time
Or you know somebody higher up than they tried
The Broom Award
The person receiving it should learn the lesson
Buck up or ship out there is no two way about it
Take it as a lesson sweep the floor on your way down
You may learn some new things you never know
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The King and the Rulers
Disclaiming any support of November 10
Issuing public statements
Denying their involvement
In the first place the organizers never asked
The King and the Rulers
To support the people’s march
For they believe reforms must be done
The people had spoken
On the rally on November 10
The government will say
This is demonstration
The sleeping beauty and the dwarves
Hiding happily in the small hut
Never dream about the future
Feeling so contented within
Until a witch knocks on the doors
Then all hell breaking loose
The witching craft boiling in the cauldron
The recipes of evolution begin
Bubbling colorful lights in the air
In time there will be
The King and the Rulers
They should keep abreast of people’s wants
Never in a moment of forgetting their roles
The balancing act they have to do
November 10 will be in history
The people had spoken
Nothing else matter for the moment
The sleeping beauty can say any which way
The people will march
This is the beginning
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
The glimpse of the future
It is every one fighting for it
Yet the barriers put it up
By the powers to enrich its rule
The systems work for them
For the simple reason the wealth to be had
Hiding under OSA and ISA
And many punitive laws to make it hidden
When the people go to the streets
They say they are uncivilized citizens
These leaders living so grand and comfortable
They totally forget the history of the nation
It was formed on street demonstrations
Sending petitions and grouses of many
Opposing the methods in-placed
The British relented knowing too well
When people are united
No leader can hide
Of the injustices through any punitive laws
They have to go; the government too
The current leaders aren’t listening
The way they act; the way they behave
Arrogance to the fullest degree
Knowing not the grounds swelling
In time like Taiwan
The people will change the government
This time they will follow
Changing style of the US people
Or the UK
So these leaders in power
They shall not make silly
Of the people’s votes
They put them there in the first place
Time to change
Bite the bullet makes it happen
This is Malaysia
The multi-cultural multi-racial people of a nation
It isn’t about one race one religion
It is about fairness and opportunity
For each people
Thursday, November 15, 2007
$4.5 million gone so quick!
Samiwayloot says he is shock on the collapse of $4.5 million building of Perak State Park Corporation's 2 storey administrative building on the edge of Tasik Banding in Gerik. Is that all he could say? Nothing new to shock about Sir! Overhead bridge collapsed costing ten of millions to repair. What is this small kacang putih building? Do the government leaders learn their lessons? With this latest building collapse, I doubt they have. ACA moving in. Why so quick suddenly? When the flyover collapsed in Kepong, ACA didnt move in. Now the building totally gone claimed by soil erosion and water seepage. The leaders will play ignorant because it isn't their monies to worry about. The building was completed in 2004 but left empty until it collapsed yesterday. Nobody was injured or lives lost. Highway Tower collapsed the leaders never learned from there. So this government has lost its grip. Of course now they will come out all kinds of excuses to justify the building collapse.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
So BN has fulfilled its promises..........................Malaysia wakes up and go go before it is too late!
Monday, November 12, 2007
In the mamak stalls
In posh restaurants
About the yellow tee shirts
Waving high in the air
Defying convention
The people wanted to say
What they felt the wrongs in the country
As always with the government
They think they have 5 million members
Ruling the 21 million people
When people change
When whisper spreads far and wide
Something will be done
Effectively take out their arrogance
The 20:80 rule
It can change
When things are gone overboard
When country’s wealth is at stake
The future lies with this 80%
Will they change their perception?
Are they feeling so comfortable they don’t change?
We will see when the ballot boxes rolling in
Time for change
The whispering has begun
One person to another
Group to group
Eventually something will get it done
In the history making of November 10
So said the sleeping beauty
In Sabah to rally for his support
Why can’t he admit something is wrong with him?
Why can’t he admit he has poor management skills?
Why blame the people trying to tell their King?
There much the King should know
UMNO and its partners
They won’t let go the cow
It is there where milking in abundance
The voters should say it soon
The sleeping beauty never sees in the mirror
Listening to his advisors thinking he is popular
Like his deputy says he can organize many times more
To show support for the leader
I wonder the police will issue permit?
Will there be FRU, rough handling, tear gas and water cannon?
Else everything close one eye because it is by UMNO?
The leaders must study in the positive light
Apparently they don’t do it
They want to milk the cow
Let the people say what they want
Wake up people
It is time for the change
Taiwan could do it
So will Malaysia
Allah bless us all
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Laws restricting the people's rights must be changed. A government shouldnt be afraid to bite the bullet for change. The government is put there by the people. The leaders entrusted with the jobs must serve the people and country not to grip power for their own personal benefits, families, friends and cronies. The current leadership has grown up fat and bloated I am afraid to think this way. The illnesses have flown into the system. If there is no remedy to arrest its flow, I see there will be people's power to stop the rot infringing into the country.
Malaysia make the changes before the volcanoes erupt it all
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Picture courtesy
Shields and batons rise
Marching into a uniform formation
Charging into the sea of yellow
There shouldn’t be this way
The Mr Clean now isn’t
Saying Malayisa is for all
As I say before I say it again
He doesn’t know what he is talking about
The water cannon spraying
Chemicals to hurt the eyes
What are the police doing?
This is a peaceful afternoon walking
They charge without provocation
Don’t they know?
They may have their own relatives on the streets
The condoned off areas
Sea of yellow waves along
The afternoon marching
It turns into water splashing ceremony
Spraying the streets
The yellow waves
Mr Clean is afraid
Leaving in his tower seeing nothing
The people voices ring out true
You are talking crap Sir!
The sea of yellow
It will be in history
As people marching
To save their rights and democracy
All the best guys
Painting the city in sea of yellow
Marching through people’s concerned
About events in the country
I pray the BN leaders listen
What the people have to say
All the times they believe what they make
All the craps only pocketing in their minds
Wave the sea of yellow
My spirit goes with you
Like an eagle flying in the blue sky
Spreading words of encouragement
One fall many to take the call
10 eleven it is
The day the city turns yellow
The King should come out in support
His subjects he must see
The marching of yellow
On the streets of the city
The blue gangs playing with their music
The yellow marchers dance the joget
All the way to the palace
Wave the sea of yellow
The people must get back their rights
The King should come to support
The people He represents too
10 eleven
The sea of yellow waves
Marching on the streets of the city
Let the world know
We want to make it right
Life unfolds in your eyes
You know it
You will accept
The best time in school
It is high school
Time to pack bags
The last hurray
At the examination hall
Don’t worry about result
Out in the open market
It is you have to find out
Learn the solid foundation
The life riches and miseries
Lie in your own hands
Everything you do
Give your best
Even if you fail your attempt
You don’t lose hope
There are many around
All the best
Just another dreamer
It will bring you
To the level you wish to be
Shame or pride nonetheless
The people speak the people write
What is the name got to do with it?
Pride of a nation
Love for the country
It is what you could do
Speak the language
If you think you rekindle a belonging
Languages alone
It isn’t the sum of a nation
It is the people in it
They make the country flourishes
The people who send overseas
Learn and think
Don’t waste taxpayers’ money
Involving politics
These people study in foreign lands
Learning English language
Communicating with it every day
Do they think of their own language?
Languages what a name!
Let it be
It is just a language
It doesn’t make you less a nation
Friday, November 09, 2007
Malaysia is for says the pm. A powerful statement yet I feel he is taking us for a ride. He has to go back to the beginning in time of Tunku Abdul Rahman. It is that spirit enshrined in the Merdeka spirit that brought the ring "Malaysia is for all" This time I feel a sense of loss. I see the 'keris' showing off in the assembly and umno president supported it. Is it the way "Malaysia for all" when action itself belies the statements made? Ah.....politics a damn business of polishing hearts and souls. Look at the laws itself. Look at the policies lopsided enriching to one race. The fair distribution of the country's wealth is gunned down to one race. And the pm still says the Malays are still far behind in the economic fields. Hello we are 50 years as a nation and yet pm says there is still disparity for his race. The country's richest people are non-Malays........and he doesnt like it. These people work hard on their wealth. Nobody should be lazy and waiting for hands out. He doesnt think about poor other races in the country. They are struggling hands to mouths to live and feed their young. Economic wealth enrichment should be free flow..........every one must learn to fight for it. One mustnt be lazy and waiting for hands out. One has to move forward to fight for every piece of the cake. In this way one will be strong and independent to go after the country's wealth. As the saying goes "spare the rod spoil the child" How true with umno politics and the government of BN..
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Oh show these leaders their way to the pit
Let them stay together feeling the heat
For greed and power let them fight it out
The country wants upright leaders
Fighting for the nation spread the wealth
Nothing for themselves, cronies and families
It is for the services to the people and nation
Let the story spreading far and wide
Into the villages, towns and cities
Open up the peoples’ minds
Don’t get fooled by a few
To control the majority
They say they have the money to give
For projects and developments
Mind you it is not their money
It is your money taken out to give back to you
Don’t get trapped by the sleazy leaders
Smile of cunning ways of enrichments
Give a little peanut in the bottle
What they take you don’t even know
Any party in power
Can do what BN does
It is the caring leaders we need
To push forward for the people and nation
courtesy from
The light shine
For the people rights
On this day
The march shall be heard
The Deepavali will sing
On the road for many
Happy Deepavali to all and sundry
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The marching on the streets
100,000 strong arm in arm
The colorful races join the congregation
For an afternoon walk to the palace
It starts at 3 in the hot sun
Maybe it will rain before
Then the sky will by cloudy
The people can march peacefully
The government leaders trying to derail
The marching of 100,000 beats
Rocketing on the streets
The echo in the cloudy sky
The monkey says arrest them
Who is he for heaven sake?
Now we know who is running the nation
No portfolio no job yet calling the shot
The hypocrites in the leadership
When will they ever learn?
I guess Allah has said it before
If you forget Me and My way
You won’t know what I do
Unless you repent and be good
On 10 November 2007
A peaceful walk of 100,000 people
Vibrating the streets every part of it
The BN leaders and the police say
There is no permit to march
Do we?
When we go for an afternoon walk
To the palace let the Agong knows
Chase the paid pipers out of our land
Blowing their horns captivating the innocents
The villagers out of the main stream politics
Hit the road Man
Let the diseases open up the people’s eyes
Nobody can fool the people all the times
Unless you want to be conned in your life
Hit the road Man
Sing your songs let it be known
In the land far and wide
Of course the uniform guys will come chasing
In the name of the law and powerful lords
They want their chairs; they don’t give up easily
But hit the road Man
You have to make it happens
For the generations of the future
Don’t let it go to waste
For a man in hurry to become prime minister
He starts off in his wrong directions
A leader of men and women
One has to start one own journey
Without strings and protection
This is where one showing the ability
To run a country
The groundwork must be strong
It is so much important in any empire building
When one loses the grip of basic growth
There is no way one would climb the ladder
Money politics isn’t the way
Every society recognizes it
Pushing envelops to get favors
The truth finally comes home
A leader in a hurry
Many pitfalls he will make
His eyes on the top ladder
He doesn’t care how he does his way
The monkey will climb tree to tree
Smell the bananas and groundnuts
People come to feed
The monkey stays cool
Monkey around for favors relish
Anything is new in humans?
In a hurry like a monkey
Finally get caught
Export to African countries
To learn lessons
Don’t be in a hurry
courtesy from
The keris Hishamuddin is back! He is learning the tricks of the those movies in 60s and 21st century. I guess it never ends until the day UMNO collapses in the pits. What are these youth leaders telling the nation? At least MCA used the FC book to show up in their battle cries. Here it is act of arrogant from the education minister telling the students in schools they can cow their teachers too? Political parties should be respectful to others in the country. Dont always think you are in a majority, you can do what you like and say. Nowadays numbers dont is the weapon of mass destruction which could be engineered by a person or group of persons to penetrate heavy losses to a country or a group of people. I hope I dont live to see this happen here in the world. As it is now, the world leaders are pulling towards it. So I dont feel good what these umno delegates said in their own assembly...bearing in mind they aren't the sons and daughters of this land. It belongs to orang asli who are the first to make home here.
DONT BUILD HOUSE ON SAND...................
Monday, November 05, 2007
You can make the changes for the future of our people. It is better we change the government so that there shall not be corruption and plundering the country's wealth. Look at USA the people change government. The country is still doing fine. BN government has many things to hide in 50 years. It is time the can should be opened and sent these leaders to face the music. You make them so now you must unmake them. Where will you be Malaysia when your wealth is plundered and the people crying on the streets?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Walk the streets
Look everywhere
Of shadows real or imagine
It is be safe than sorry
Police is nailed
The gang lords run freely
Setting up legitimate businesses
Running it according to the law
Behind the back
The gangs rule the streets
This is the fencing horde
The police can’t see
Internal turf wars
Amongst officers in camp
Where do the ordinary people seek justice?
When the Court of law seems compromised?
The chain of money
It is so hard to forget
Who wants to let go?
When life feeling so good
So walk the streets
Don’t fall prey to over-confident
Just be aware about surrounding
It will help you not to be a statistic
There is no light for her
Chin Kha Mun found floating in Kampar River
By two river guides cruising along
She was reported lost in Gopeng
The young girl died
She didn’t know what she would become
Life was too short for her
Lying with the floating river
The school breaks beginning to start
She was gone before she could begin
The young girl of many dreams
She never knows what she will be
Was it a suicide?
Many young people tried
What has become of the education system?
Breeding suicides in the young minds?
There must be reasons
The society should rethink its core values
Administering parental guidance
It shouldn’t be left to the school alone
Now Kha Mau gone
Let the God guide her spirit
Along the light to her new home
Of laughter, jokes and smile
Freedom in many harmonious flows
In the Garden of God’s graces
Saturday, November 03, 2007

CHIN KHA MUN 12 years old missing in Gopeng
A 12 years old from Gopeng Miss Chin Kha Mun is reported missing. The parents are searching and friends are helping to find Kha Mun. Anybody who finds her please contact the nearest police station. For updates go to
p/s please contact Ms Chew 012-5268862 or Mr Chin 012-6607722.
Friday, November 02, 2007
The CCID director faces 3 charges today. He was arrested by the ACA on non-disclosure of his assets. He is represented by 4 lawyers in his case. The trial will begin next year 2008 Jan 15. The charges as reported in The Star newspaper as follows:-
Comm Ramli was alleged to have failed to comply with the terms of a notice dated July 17 issued by the Public Prosecutor to give a written statement under oath on all his assets under Section 32(1)(a) of the Anti-Corruption Act 1997.
Ramli was accused of not revealing information on two office units in Jalan Yap Kwan Seng which belong to his elder sister Rohmah @ Hasmah and younger sister Roslina. The two units are worth RM1mil.
The two sisters were directors of an investment holding company, Bonus Circle Sdn Bhd.
He was accused of unlawfully engaging in business in Kinsajaya Sdn Bhd on April 25 last year.
Is this for show? I always view when a case like this hurriedly framed and charged is done in bad taste. The Police never comes to his support while he is under ACA investigation. He is a director in charge of CCID. The IGP Musa Hassan was at one time worked under him. Now of course Musa Hassan is his boss in the Police force. Commissioner Ramli Yusoff has to do his own filing to prepare for his defence. The public perception is the division in the Police force though the IGP refuted the statement. Now the CCID director is on his own facing charges that could put him behind bar or heavy fines. He is due to retire next month. In a way I will follow the trial next Jan 2008. Perhaps they are more to collect or people involved in it. Let Allah/God works His beautiful magic and let the ball begins............
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Getting free food people come to give
The mischievous ones grab the baby bottles
Showing how it could be done
The people run
The people chase
In the garden or in the woods
The monkeys reign supreme
Across the poles
Cables connect binding it
The monkeys climb up there
Sit watching the people
The snatchers on the unwary humans
Picnicking forgetting about monkeys
By the time they realize
Every item nearly disappears
The monkeys poking fun
The antics on the run
Tails high in the air
“Catch me if you dare”
On the roads
Sitting admiring the crazies drive
Then the monkeys too learn
Running across before the green light
The heroes amongst the band
Cheating death lying through
The drum beats keeping hitting the high note
Until the screeching tires stop them good
The monkeys when on their own
Things will keep disappearing
Humans just keep feeding
Never know what the monkeys do
The monkeys dance from tree to tree
Cracking jokes on their antics
Playing it out on the people
Chasing feeding them
Saying they are so good
Life a bird
Flying high in the sky
The clouds touching the lines
There is the goodness
When freedom comes
Up in the clouds
The wide ranges to see
Out of the box feeling
There lie the goods
The greed of power
Uncaring attitude
Corruption in the mind
Hands eager to compromise
Life a bird
Sharp eye sees it all
Amongst the crowd
Money takes it
The souls endangered
In the hands of corrupted leaders
Brewing words to entrap the people
Ah life a bird
Feeling the breeze
Rustling on the feathers
The goodness to be free