Sunday, February 17, 2008

semi sami should go now

Samy Vellu
s. samyvellu aged 72 years old
MIC president

Semi Sami
He doesn’t get the hint
Time for him to go
He has served his time

Indians have problems
He lied through his teeth
For weeks he puts up straight face
Finally he says there are

He listed out 7 reasons
Why Indians need assistance
What a liar he has become!
When he tried for months to ignore
Until Hindraf woke up the Indians
He still shouts he is the one to lead
Though he has seen his days are numbered

The prime minister should let him go
I will agree with this score
At least he recognizes the grounds beating
About Indians marching

There is no reason
Semi Sami should be returned
The young Indians have spoken
Boos and jeers yet he doesn’t get the hint
He still thinks he is needed
Amongst the Indians

Sami time for you to go
Leave the stage graciously
You are not wanted anymore
Since Hindraf punches holes into your armor
You only served yourself
Forgetting your kind
All those years ago…
Time to say goodbye

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