Wednesday, February 20, 2008

you decide

The pleasure island
The tourists flock to stay
The locals talk about good food
About night-clubs and women
And men searching for wealth
And high prize stakes

Don’t forget about murders
The snatch thieves along tourist areas
And the traffic jams causing long queues
In the morning and evening

And at night the pimps and night women
Trading in the cool night
Hand-phones and secret rendezvous
For a price to make it happens
No difference with other cities
And other tourist spots

Now there is another talking
About the pressure island
About politics and the prize
The power base; the beginning and end for some
Thrashing out amongst politicians
The island under the sun
The jewel of pearl shines
Acidic yet she never loses her pride
The island dreams for some; heartaches for others
On the streets pumping hard to satisfy

The pressure island
The politicians go banana
The durians, rambutans and mangosteens
Which one the people choose?
The traffic jams become worst every day

The wind of change; the wind of wealth
The people have to decide don’t get short sighted
The future lies in these peoples’ hands
Put an X and the game is over

The pressure island; the pleasure game
Think about it before it is too late
Protect the turf for generations to come
Or forget about it let it be gone!
You decide

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