Tuesday, March 25, 2008

dark age in judiciary

An episode let it be
What’s the point to dish out misery?
Tun Salleh Abbas crossed the bridge
Decades ago he knew his rights

This is UMNO way to divert its problems
Losing 5 states no 2/3 majority
Tackling torny issues of state constitutions
When the Sultans shoving their muscles
UMNO leaders can’t take it

If they want to apologize to Tun Salleh
Just do it and start working on the issues at hand
It is no use talking and forming committees
This administration is famous for it
Until the people’s power hit them
Only then they woke up to find

Tun Salleh may have mellowed now
All those years he may forgiven those who dished him
His life has to move on as surely he wants it to be
Maybe Dr M should say sorry to him and closes it
The bitter episode in the nation’s history

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