Thursday, March 13, 2008

it is better to decide quickly

It never goes
Ladder up to take the fruit
The children never come agree
Which tree to pluck

The sun raises colorful rays in the sky
Birds winging it along
Insects flying pollination strikes
The children sitting under the tree
Passionate discussing their whims and tastes
Nobody wants to give way

The cows boo on the field
The rice farmers and their helpers
Plowing along the wet fields
The children haven’t decided what to do

The farmers look at them
Shaking their heads children all the same
When things they have, they never want to share
Greed and power play they learn it there

The fruits hanging on the trees
Nobody wants to give way which tree
Arguing and siding comrades
Until the cows go to shack
The children sit staring at the fruit trees

The farmers walk over
Climb up the trees take all the fruits
The children only stare don’t know what to say
When it is over
The farmers give them some to share

By then the sunset glowing in the sky
The children drag their feet quietly saying goodbye
Less to bring home less to share
They learn their lessons
It is better to decide quickly
Sharing the loads and be happy

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