Sunday, June 29, 2008

history returns to haunt again

saiful bukhary in blue
borrowed inspector gadget & rockybru

People wake up
The news greeted them
The peoples’ leader in sodomy
History returns to haunt again

The politics of desperation
The hungry of power
The walls clustered
The escape route evaporates

Struggling to get a foothold
Mounting hard to find the rope
Dangling precariously alone
Anything to take back power
Who wants to know by what means?

The pages in newspapers
The songs of reformation will sing
Is there a fabrication on familiar pattern?
There is no originality
It sings of losing power
The 3Ps fading away

I heard the story
It becomes to haunt the country’s image
The losing desperadoes try
One last hurrah before the walls collapse

The light of the new dawn
It has to come no matter what happened
The country needs new leader to go forward
Into the battle field of the world

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