Friday, June 06, 2008

um-no will fall soon

Fiery temper
Flare up in the mind
The eyes of viper
The poison shooting high

The street demonstrations
The angry people protests
In the cities venting their anger
Of the government decisions
Hiking the petrol and electricity

The people know
The BN/UMNO doesn’t care
Now coolly in retreat
In Shah Alam pretending nothing to say
Discussing about GE12 and its effects

The ground has kicked in
Don’t these UMNO leaders know?
The gold glitter the eyes see
The mind forgets about responsibilities

In time my dear Watson
They will face the music of the people
Ringing it loud in the country
BN will be sleeping for good

And yet UMNO plots
In retreat in Shah Alam they say
The people cry they don’t listen
In time soon they will fall from grace

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