Friday, June 06, 2008

isa must be forgotten

The fear of the people
Under its arm there is no trial
A person can sit it out for 2 years initially
It can be extended at the whim of Prime Minister
Through his Home Affairs Minister…………..

It is meant for the communists
Fighting a terrorist war to achieve political ends
The British government introduced it
And our government blindly going for it
Yet the BN leaders use to blame the British government
For the rule and divide policies

Here we have one of these vampirism laws
Sucking the lives of the people in detention
Letting them rot in their minds and souls
Those can stomach will come out strong
They will fight harder against the evil doers
Running in the name of democracy

I will support the total ban on ISA
In our country we don’t need it any more
We have enough other laws to detain trouble makers
Under the Police Act there are grounds to persecute offenders
At least these people will know what they have been charged
And they can prepare to defend for their honor….

ISA the evil in written skin
Sucking the lives of innocent people
Charging them without trials
Let them rot in prison

When the people topple the present government
Let these BN leaders taste a bit of this ISA
Let them feel the agony of closed up shop
Then they can know the face of the written vampire
Sucking their lives out in the prison walls

ISA must be thrown away
Into the ocean or in the deep burning hole
We don’t need it any more
It is time we broke free
The chains that corrode our souls

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