Monday, June 30, 2008

kondo desa got the blue

Tivoli you sing for me
10 years ago you weren’t erected
You weren’t built to shelter
The police made it a virtual destination

10 years later you came alive
Police cropped up one more time
Tivoli this time you sing
You are up on solid ground

The echoes of steps
Walking up and down
Lifts going; lifts down
Yet you still sing
The love tunes for me

The police make you
Tivoli you don’t discredit me
Years of solitary confinement
I knew you have your principles

Now the police
Get you one more time
Let you scream at the top of your voice
You never heard of Condo Desa, Damansara
Tivoli you only challenging the wind

Promises are made
To prop you up beautifully
Shining like gold on day and night
Tivoli why sell for crumbs when you can get plenty?

Tivoli sings
The earth moves with it
Tilting its balance
Shattering dreams
Yet you stay true
The principles you have for me
‘I never do wrong
I want you sparkle beautifully’
But I can’t say of Condo Desa
It is entirely new in the game
Police came got the déjà vu
It seems they never change
Desperadoes playing the last card
It wakes up the nation

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