Sunday, June 01, 2008

unity makes victory

Disunity befall nations and people
What more with companies and its directors
So are the reporters and editors…………
Different agendas wrong turning roads
It is easy picking for the authorities
Simple rule many forget in pursuing common goals

The walk of press freedom
A small group yet a message understood
But the newspapers leaders don’t go
There is no heart and soul
So it will be just that
A marching to show the people
Something must be done

The ills of the structure of control
Making profits and eager to please
The authority controlling the licenses
Renewal every year………….

The unity must be seen
Across the line of different groups
In newspapers and magazines
Otherwise the axe will come
As the leaders like and wish

Unity makes victory
For a good fight and foot print in history
It is better to read about Mahatma Ghandi
Learn the history of decades gone
Maybe there is something burning still

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