Sunday, October 05, 2008


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borrowed chai)

When troubles find me
I don’t let it go into my head
Look around us
I see worst than what I get

Even when my luck goes down hill
I don’t fret so much to make it worst
I make a point to look around
There are those worst than me

When someone comes telling me
I say go to the graveyard see what lies there
You must be lucky to be alive
Breathing the air enjoying paradise

When troubles find me
I know it is life journey
Nobody can escape it
It is the way humans have to cope with it
There is always light after awhile

When troubles find you
Don’t go hanging
Don’t go putting needles
Don’t go running naked
Just stay focus and take a fresh look
The answer will be there……..
There is always a way
Even when you think it is impossible
In this world……..
It is God’s playing

The faith and believe
When troubles find me
I pray and say my grace
It helps me
Finding my way home

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