Friday, October 03, 2008


You think the government hears
The people complaints and unfairness treatments
Sounding it loud in the air, letters and emails
Maybe they don’t read at all…………
Into the hands of the structured hierarchy
They are cushioned of the daily affairs

They think we are children
Playing marbles on the streets
Flying kites on the fields and roundabout
Tuning up toy cars; have a good run

We don’t know what ills the country
What the government leaders and little warlords do
Arranging and disarranging plots and twists
The people suffer tears flow in their eyes

Electing them to take care of us
Running the economy in a fair manner
Accountability and corruption free
Yet we never get our shares
We are treated like crumbs tossed to the ground
Nothing we say and criticize they want to hear
They are cushioned by the little warlords of the daily affairs

Wearing t-shirts and protests
The police block everywhere
Some handled unprofessionally
Cowing the people forgetting the roles
Protect the people not antagonize them

RPK and other detainees
If they run foul of a law, charge them in court
Let them defend of what they do and say
Detention without trial is a travesty of justice
Does the government know what had been done?

ISA and other draconian laws
It has no business to pass as laws
Into a democratic processes of peoples’ rights
Let good sense prevails in fighting for our freedom
Of laws and associations; multi-racial harmony and religious tolerance
In our country of many colors sharing a common trail
The harmony in Malaysia

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