Sunday, May 23, 2010

the water rationing

When there is drought
The dam level low
The water pressure reduces
In the long run people with plastic pails

Waiting anxiously for the water tankers
To bring them the clean water..........
The crowd of neighours solemn faces
Water, water, where are you?

When the water tankers arrive
The smile and rushing on line
Pails and children sometimes wastage
Carrying pails of water lifts and stairs

Once I was in Mersing
Staying for a few years
Drought brought severe water rationing
The people waited for water tanks

Only the treated pool water
Supplied to the area.....
Once it was reported in the newspapers
Of the filthy pool water supplied

It was a hardship suffered for months
Every one had to make use what was necessary
In time of prayers and natural rainfall
The situation managed to get back to normal

It was the worst water rationing
I experienced in my moving life
Now I stay a place bountiful rain
I hope I don't face water rationing

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