Thursday, July 08, 2010

the lost way 27

“Go try the main door?”
One of them walk to do it
He finds he can't open
“Sorry guys it is locked!”

“Hello boys!
Welcome to my home
Let the game begins
You will learn your lessons”

The black cloth shadow appears
On the fire place smiling away
“You don't have to be afraid
The unknown is for you to find”

They turn around
Staring at the black cloth shadow
“Get prepared guys
For it will come...”

“Can't you let us go?
We have suffered in our walk”
“Guys your pain just started
You haven't learned your lessons”

“You better go to your room
Each room for each person
Lock the door as you fall to slumber
The story will begin in a short while”

The black cloth shadow disappears
Leaving the fear with the guys
“We better stay together
Split we will lose the game”

So they take a room
Every one stays as a group
Some take a shower
Some fall asleep

The stories of their lives
It will begin they know it will
They can't escape
This much they will know

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