Saturday, January 15, 2011

destroy power

destroy power

The intimidation and lies
In newspapers and cyberspace
The hidden agendas toppling wagon
The smell of juicy aroma filled gravies

The road travel where you want to go
It is the same road you will return one day
On power decline you have nothing left
Will the road fill you in with its potholes?

You get the wind of life and death
Within your hands you can decide
Issue laws cahoot with like minded crazies
The intimidation and lies

You forget the people decide
The way power should be used
You think you can get it forever
You are truly mistaken

The history of the past leaders
They were destroyed forgetting the people
As the masses revolt or demanded changes
In the end people's power surge power destroyed

Share equally policies not lopsided
There shouldn't be restrictions in democracy
It is a fallacy issuing laws to upheld its principles
It is only to cater for the power crazy leaders

Live with unity share the wealth
Let a fair game play every one has a chance
To live and know the limits of one capabilities
In this world of over population

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