Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the old houses in kampar town 2

kampar old houses in the old town
borrowed from liyin the designer-in-pyjamas's photostream@flickr.com

The old people hang around
In the old houses they lived and known
The decades through their parents
Now it is the turn for them

Sunrise and sundown
The rays of light shining constantly
The light glow in their eyes
Of their history happy sorrow and die

They lived through
The struggles to put food on the table
The odd jobs they could find
The sun burned faces and wrinkle lines

The children shielded from the hardship
Learned the skills get an education
When the time is right they go away
Leaving the history for the old houses

In the morning rise
The old folks will sit and sharing
Of tales old and current
As surely as the sun goes down

The old houses will not stay for long
Time has progressed new developments arrived
One day when the sun rises......
The old houses will be gone forever

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