Monday, February 21, 2011

the god's game

The people are disorganized
Come to religion they divide
“You are with me or you are not”
They argue until the cows come home

They forgot they are on chess board
Every move will go right back to God
God make the game we play like fools
We never use our reasoning to look through

We play the devil's game
We sin it so often we forget
We never learn the story
In the words on the chess board

The world we live
The chess board in our eyes and minds
Do we see the final chapter?
United we progress; disunited we fall

God enjoying the chess game
Moving the nights, castles, horses or soldiers
We are bewildered, sometimes scared
We run everywhere disorganized ourselves

Look at the chess game
“You are with me or you are not”
Do we see the final chapter?
United we progress; disunited we fall

We want to inherit the Kingdom of The Lord
He will not give us in a silver platter
Every day there will be test to know how we react
Until today “you are with me or you are not”

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