Saturday, February 12, 2011

robbery at rimau hill

Robbery at Rimau Hill
In the sun bursting rays
At around 8 in the morning
The double storey house was robbed

3 covered head Chinese robbers
They entered pricking the grilled doors
With parangs as their weapons
They held up the family

They spoke in Mandarin and Hokkein
They wanted money and valuables
They seemed to know what they were looking
Quickly gone in exit within minutes

The family caught surprise
In the morning sun blasting day
The dog didn't bark........
The robbers came in quite easy

One accomplice sitting in a Harriet
Coolly waiting for his friends to do the job
Parking by the road as if waiting for friends
Nobody paid much surveillance

The scooped money, watches, handphones and CPU
They took car keys but they never drove away the cars
In a way the robbers came for cash & valuables
They weren't aiming to steal noose on their necks

The family lived through the ordeal
No injuries for any member of the family
Nightmares may occur for the incident
Of masked robbers coolly walked in the house

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