Sunday, February 27, 2011

molly the curious dog

borrowed from josephine chan@facebook

Molly and her tea cup
The conversation begins
She barks at her companion
“Hey how's today?”

“You don't want to know
It's damned hot here”
“You must be kidding
Look it is raining”

“You must be blind or something
You don't see the hot water vapor?
Maybe you are blind..............”
“Woof woof and woof” Molly says

Now the tea cup challenging Molly
“You seem brave to come near me
You don't feel afraid of hot water
Come take a sip and see what happens?”

Molly raises her head
The paws on the table
“You think I am afraid”
She smells the tea cup

She licks it with her tongue
Then she quickly runs away
Hiding under the table
Licking her hot rashes

The tea cup brewing hot air
Laughing at Molly for her mistake
“You think I was kidding you
Now you learn it was hot here”

Molly raises her head
Peeping at the tea cup
“I believe you
My tongue is red now”

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