Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the money tree 4

The money tree
The milking on its way
The juices all gone
Yet it isn't enough

Every one needs it
It's the daily bible to life
The money tree
You will be poorer if you don't have any

You feel confidence
As you walk on the street
You put a smile on your face
Driving the car on the road

You feel you are somebody
In the society where you live and work
The money tree
You get hooked with it

You measure it
You live through with it
You smell the aroma
The money tree

You can be a slave
If you don't get your priority right
It can't help you where you are going
The next journey to seek your redemption

The money tree
It has its uses in society
Don't get enslaved by it
When the time comes, let it go

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