Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the light up candle

The light up candle
Imagine it as the life
The melting wax
The candle melts

There is the beginning
The fire and the run
The pursuit of wants
Everything in the sun

The hunger of procurement
The accumulating wealth and beyond
Nothing will stop your way
So you think you have it

The marriage life
The contentment and joy
You think you live in paradise
The candle melts slowly

Down the base
The spare fat and health cry
As the years bring the final run
You try to stop the melt down

The money spend to look young
The cycle isn't stopping as you fight on
The candle melts as strong wind blowing
You shouldn't run away; you never win

The light up candle
It glows as the life light up
In the end the time will come
The destination has to arrive

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