Saturday, July 21, 2012

the perception of GRO

The perception of GRO
Amongst the guys in the nights
These women of easy laid
Show them the money
Everything could be had
The men forgot to ask
Why the women worked this way?
They came for the money
They wanted to fulfill their dreams
They found the shortest possible way
Working as a GRO in the nights
If you have a chance
Sit behind the facade
Listen to their problems and sorrows
They dream big; they forget the small
They are in a hurry to progress
You can listen to their mommy tales
Some GRO have their plans
They will save for tomorrow
They have their aims
They know they can't work forever
Some can cook delicious food
They are humans; only the nights they change
The faces of painted colours for the money
And the guys never ask
They think money can buy
The temporary paradise of the nights
For the GRO is the work to stay alive

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