Sunday, February 24, 2013

2 guys in graveyard shift

The two guys in graveyard shift
When every soul is asleep they stay awake
In the quiet night of less human traffic
On an island of magical story

They get their own escapades
With good manners and quiet disposition
It is said they have women falling over them
In the quiet lonely night on an island

They have their joy and conquests
Women of many nationalities falling over them
The story breeds of black magic
How else they get the women?

Some give them money
Some buy them gifts
The two guys in graveyard shift
They have the nights of their lives

In the end they forget
Precaution a way to protect against diseases
They succumb to the deadly HIV
Slowly they see their lives whiskered away

The life they lead
Many partners in bed
In the end they lose their lives
They never know the sins just take away

On the island of magical story
The two guys in graveyard shift
They enjoy their lives with women
Then they lose their lives through AIDS

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