Thursday, February 07, 2013

once upon a time

Once upon a time
I was a nobody like every one else
Finished school eyes wide in surprise
Dreaming about the future in no order

I didn't know about
I wasn't prepared for it
I soaked up it in school
The cushion of my mind

Now when school life was over
I cycled around the town
I enjoyed the freedom for a while
Before the truth came crushing down

When money became an issue
Without job there is no future
The cushion finally broke
I had to find a job

Once upon a time
Life was care free
The windy soft breezes came
Under the trees swaying the day

Out in the school compound
Life wasn't the rose I felt it would
The reality bites when you have to earned
In a life I thought it would come easy

Mother words were harsh
There was nothing as free stay
I galloped it up and started living
I never turned back; I hardly returned

Once upon a time
Looking out the windows
It was just a simple living
How it turned when school life was over

The cocoon shelf broke
The years turned into adult
Life perspective was different
The age too playing a part

Once upon a time
The wind was cool
The breezes uplifting
I was lucky in my time

The bad people I mix
The kind souls told me to forget
Life of crime has no future
It is better I chart my own destiny

Learn a few tips
Life isn't a bed of roses
You learned the thorns
You felt the pricking pushes

It never wants a lazy ball
It needs the ball to keep rolling
Along the way knocks down pins
Learn to live and survive in it

The tools of the trade
Learn the ropes and have a thick skin
Don't be shy to ask for assistance
It helps to get the ball rolling

Nothing stays forever
There will be a time it has to come down
Enjoy the ride when it is in the clouds
Once upon a time it seems like the beginning

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