Wednesday, February 27, 2013

the time for flexi-hour

The economy will grow
The economy will burst
The economy will flatten out
The economy will stay on course

And the people who work
What are there for them?
The wealth creation and production
The management of time

The economy of scale
The living will go up for it
The lazy bones will leave behind
The light will not shine

The jamming of workers
The executives and manual jobbers
They cling to hope and prosperity
The economy of wealth creation

On the roads and streets
The jamming of vehicles
The smog and stresses
It makes the choking flow

It's time to change
How we work in a company
The flexibility hours to ease congestion
The assistance to family units

The stability at home
The higher productivity in the work place
There will not be any wild running around
Giving all kind of excuses

No need to waste time
No need to check tardiness
The job workloads are specified
Every one knows the best to come

The flexi-hours
It will boost the production
The workers will stay happy
The family units become a joy

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