Tuesday, February 05, 2013

the game coming to an end

The dark angel sits
On the branch of a tree
Looking at the people
Once he could cheat them

Now he feels his life is threatened
The new media has robbed him
He cursed the day of its invention
He can't fool the people as he likes

Once he could do as he pleases
The cronies will help to spread the messages
Nobody will know his backdoor strategy
He likes the old ways; he dreams of it too

Now his eyes turn red
Crying for the losses he suffers
The end game is knocking at his door
He has to take flight before it is too late

The people are gathering storm
They want the change in their lives
They aren't going to live in lies
They want back their country and her values

The dark angel takes flight
He cries his tears of sorrow
As he looks down on the people
He knows he has stayed his welcome

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