Wednesday, April 24, 2013

teach the people how to fish

The old ancient wisdom
Teach a man how to fish
He will live to tell his stories”
For life live and earn

Subsidies are bad
In whatever forms
Bee Anne good at it
The cronies make the big bundles

The people never realize
They become pawns
For the bigger sharks to bite
The billions get away

Now a report was compiled
I love PM” spent a whopping $58 billion
Providing all kinds of subsidies to win his chair
There was no teaching how to fish

Bee Anne leaders have no ideas
They are good at giving cash
Schemes and subsidies where cronies will profit
There is no teaching of how to fish

Do we want these leaders?
It is time we change them
GE13 is the key to make our collective decision
Let's hear our roar for change!

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