Wednesday, August 28, 2013

patriotism should come naturally

Patriotism shouldn't come by law
Neither should force or cohesion flow
It is the natural obligation for each person
What it is that patriotism brought?

Forcing people to fly national flags
It doesn't instil the patriotic feeling
It brings the downward spiral
It never brings the natural call of patriotism

Humans do not like pressured into anything
They enjoy their own good intentions in many
Let the people decide to fly the national flags
Many may want to fly it in their minds

Those who do trade and business
The agencies buildings, hawkers and companies
These groups must fly the national flags
These should be obligated on their buildings or stalls

For the rest of the people
Let them decide to fly the national flags
Forcing it down will not work
Patriotism to each his own way of looking at it

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