Monday, September 23, 2013

honor the agreement

The smell of ashes
In the mind there is fear
Of what it will become
A shrine to honor the dead

Of a time in our history
Of a man who played his role
Fighting for a cause he believed in
Until he was ridiculed left and right

Once against the Japanese invasion
Once against the British ruled
Once against the Alliance/Bee Anne government
For a place in participating democracy

It wasn't a party who suffered
Both sides paid the price of lives lost
The families suffered in pain and sorrow
Only Amno and its ilks forget to mention

The peace treaty signed in Haadyai in 1989
The government must honor it without fail
A contract is a binding document
It isn't just for fooling the minds

Let bygones be bygones
The families of both sides know
Only Amno and gangs refuse to accept
Ignore the contract the low grading we have

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